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Web Design

Web Design

This web site is my final project for the OSC Computer Training certificate course. I’ve learned a lot from this project, mainly what not to do! The current site is about 50% smaller than my original wireframe for the project (guilty of overdesigning!). I wanted to show my proficiency to my instructor, but I learned that AP Divs are not always the answer. In any event, with all of its flaws … here it is!

I’ve been interested in the internet for practically two decades. I actually built a very nice site with Dreamweaver 1.0, but was unable to launch it on the internet. With much head-banging I decided upon a momentary tactical defeat in favor of more profitable ventures. Earlier versions of HTML did not provide for much creativity anyway.

I’ve watched the web grow up and decided that I needed to go to school to learn the programming aspects in addition to the

Current site Client sites
WYSIWYG software. I’ve been mostly self-taught with computers, but I knew that I needed the discipline of school to learn programming. I also wanted to polish my proficiency with PhotoShop and Illustrator.

My current knowledge of HTML and CSS have helped tremendously with the creation of this site and has put to bed the debate, in my mind, of which should be learned first; HTML or Dreamweaver. Definitely, HTML. There have been many instances with this project where
Dreamweaver just couldn’t handle the load. The simple fix? Tweak the code.

I’m anxious to start my next web project and I have some special offers on the Client Sites page that will, hopefully, encourage you to engage  me with your ideas. My motivation for offerring such awesome deals is that I need to create an exciting portfolio of web sites in order to make web design a viable business. Help me and help yourself!
