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Print Design

My first graphic design job was "artist" for my high school newspaper. And almost every position I have held since then has included an injection of my creativity in some capacity.

Part of my job at Real Estate Alternatives, Inc. was to design our brand advertising. And in this position I first started using a personal computer (Mac) in 1992 to create that advertising with PageMaker 3.0 (which would later be renamed InDesign), PhotoShop, and Illustrator.

The position I held at Real Estate Alternatives, Inc. led to the creation of the Real Estate Insider newspaper which I ghostwrote for our associate salespeople. The Real Estate Insider was so popular and so effective at generating new business that I decided to sell it to agents in other markets. The Real Estate Insider was so successful that I left Real Estate Alternatives, Inc. after one year of its initial release to pursue it as a full time endeavor. The Insider was a viable and successful business for over 17 years.

The Insider was largely a cookie-cutter design, but every monthly issue included custom advertising for those customers that so desired. The crash of the real estate market ultimately meant the demise of this popular product.

I was very fortunate and very grateful for the opportunity to work for Citrus Heights Dental upon closing Insider Publications. I landed a position where, once again, I could utilize my creative talents for the advantage of the company. At Citrus Heights Dental, we advertised across almost every channel imaginable. I was able to assist the Advertising Director, my good friend Bob Hillstrom, with many of the projects. This is where I decided to pursue advertising as a full time endeavor.


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Print Design art

Insider Advertising Brochures Logos