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“We had been looking for a home with (another agent) for nine months with no success. Matt Carr found us the home we were looking for within the first week. Matt Carr did an outstanding job. We would highly recommend his services.” – Jeff and Donna Lauppe


“… Let us congratulate you on a job well done. Although, at times, it seemed for us as though we would never get to actually signing off the house, you always remained calm and cool and eased our nerves. We really appreciated it … Your knowledge of the real estate business, as well as negotiation skills were excellent during (our) transaction. Please know that we will recommend you highly to our friends and family (even strangers!) who may need a real estate agent in the future …” – Bill and Diana Mellier


“Matt Carr was very knowledgeable and helpful in working out the program best suited for our home purchase. Matt was thorough and detail-oriented, as well as sensitive to our needs and concerns.” – Brett and Jimalene Loring


“… working with Matt Carr has limited the frustrations (of selling our home) to a minimum. He never left us alone to fend for ourselves and kept us abreast of the happenings of the sale of our home. I felt comfortable enough with his style and approach, I referred many of our friends to him for assistance with their homes.” – Craig and Suzanne Brewster


“You have worked very hard for us and provided sound advice on which we have relied completely. We appreciate the manner in which you have guided us through the home buying process as you have always made sure we understood what was happening and why. And you listened to us, as demonstrated by your finding the home we wanted on the second trip out. You have kept us updated and made yourself readily available. All said, you have worked hard for us in an honest, intelligent and professional manner and we have been very pleased with you.” – Dennis and Nancy Clark


“I have enjoyed doing business with Matt Carr and I would (and have) recommended him to my friends. If I had hired Matt Carr when I first listed my home, I feel it would have sold much sooner and I possibly would have made more money. The whole time Matt was handling my paperwork, I felt he was very much in control and I also felt that I could call him at any time and ask him questions I was worried about. This fact alone was very important to me. If I have any more real estate dealings in this area, Matt Carr is the only Realtor I would use.” – Kathy Winters


“We would recommend Matt Carr to anyone either buying or selling a home.” – Les and Gina Robinson


INSIDER PUBLICATIONS    The Real Estate Insider

“I own and manage the largest RE/MAX franchise in Northern California. I personally have had great success in attracting new business through my distribution of the Insider newspaper. I’ve encouraged my agents to also use this exciting prospecting method … those who have are also meeting with tremendous success!” – Will Carrillo, Broker/Owner RE/MAX Group South Bay, Los Gatos, CA


“People who read the Insider like it and respond favorably to it. I get calls after every issue, some of them invitations to list a property or to discuss something from a recent issue. It’s a great way to keep in touch with everyone in my farm and it produces new business for me every month.” – Jim Edmondson, Broker/Owner Albion Properties San Rafael, CA


“You just won’t believe how amazing the Insider is! I sell over 100 homes every year and I’m not easily impressed. When I first saw this powerful device, I was excited. Now that I use it, I’m overwhelmed! If your competitors get this first, you may want to consider early retirement! I’m one very satisfied customer!” – Rand K. Smith, Realtor® Real Estate by Rand, Monterey, CA



 “I have known Matt Carr for several years both business and personal. He is exemplary in everything he does. He is very professional and his work is of very professional quality. I would highly recommend him for any job he applies for and also recommend him as a friend.” – Dr. Richard A. Smith, D.D.S., Citrus Heights Dental


“I had the pleasure of working with Matt Carr for the last couple of years. He was a big part of our marketing campaigns. He produced various posters, pamphlets and other educational and promotional materials for our dental offices. He also worked on tracking the success of our various campaigns by listening to recorded phone calls and providing instruction and feedback for our front desk and other staff members. His skills with graphic design helped us produce exceptional marketing materials. His training of the staff on phone call protocol helped increase our success. He would be an asset to any company looking to expand their marketing.” – Dr. Michael Narodovich, D.M.D., Co-Owner, Citrus Heights Dental


“I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Matt Carr for a number of years. I am advertising director for a number of dental and medical practices here in Sacramento. We have worked together on many projects including brochures, email blasts, radio and television commercials, trade shows, and web sites. Matt’s attention to detail along with his creativity has made my job a lot easier. Besides my business ventures, I am actively involved with helping a non-profit organization in a number of ways. When needed, I know I can always count on Matt to donate some of his time for the benefit of others. To me, altruism is a characteristic that is hard to find in most people … but not in Matt. I would highly recommend meeting Matt personally and considering him for any position your company has to offer. Good people are hard to find.” – Robert K. Hillstrom, Advertising Director, Citrus Heights Dental
