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Links, Credits & Acknowledgements



Certifed Residential Specialist

Citrus Heights Dental

Citrus Heights Regional chamber of Commerce

Graduate, Realtor Institute

Kim Tran Web Solutions

Oregon State University

OSC Computer Training (the site "www.oscct.com" does not seem to be working)

Video Copilot



Prior to attending OSC Computer Training my knowledge of using copyrighted material was limited. Media used for commercial purposes were either my own work, purchased media, or public domain (I no longer have access to that information). Copyrighted media was used for academic purposes or in speculative commercial projects prior to authorization for publication. The use of the MGM logo is covered by the fair use doctrine; "Grungy Duplex Studios" and "Grungy Duplex Media" are ficticious companies.

I have made a diligent effort to give credit to those that are due; however, the names of many files were changed making them difficult to search and the meta data has been lost.

If you suspect that I have incorporated any work that you have created into my works, please contact me. I will either remove the material from my site, or give you fair credit for your work.




Many of the images in the Photoshop Gallery are courtesy:

Eisner Reding, Elizabeth; Adobe Photoshop CS5 Revealed. Copyright 2011, Delmar Cengage Learning; www.cengage.com/delmar.


Many of the images in the Illustrator Gallery are courtesy:

Botello, Chris; Adobe Illustrator CS5 Revealed. Copyright 2011, Delmar Cengage Learning; www.cengage.com/delmar.




Special thanks to Andrew Kramer of Video Copilot where I learned just about everything I know about Adobe After Effects and whose music and sounds were purchased and incorporated into many of my video clips.

Special thanks to my primary instructor, Kim Tran, and instructors John Scott and Siavash "Sash" Jozani without whom I would not have succeeded in this series of courses.

Also, special thanks to Lili Williams and Kathleen Brown who assisted me in receiving education pricing for the Adobe CS5 Master Collection.
